Sunday, April 29, 2012

Soccer and Poetry - Calcio e Poesia

What am I gonna do when I grow up?
Here we were in the car, driving to a shopping center, basically, a car park surrounded by a large circle of big-box stores. It seems that every Sunday afternoon, we go to these stores and we don't find what we are looking for but our credit card is invariably charged $100 (or more) on  things that we don't need but that it is nice to have.

This time we had a good reason - we had to find the outfit for Tronk's first soccer class- and we were even able to find what we were looking for. We were talking about this in the car when Tronk, all of a sudden, uttered these words:

"Un tetto di legno con le piume di carta indiana"
(A wooden roof  with the feathers of Indian paper)

Then he said:

"Siediti vicino alla casa con William, Daddy e Naima. C'e' spazio mamma!" (Sit down by the house with William, Daddy and Naima. There is enough space mom!)

Could it be that I picked the wrong activity for my son? Tomorrow, he will be wearing this one, then we'll see.

The day after, it was cold and windy so Tronk did not wear his Italian shirt but he did kick the ball with the foot and scored a few goals (see video below) - although, I must admit, he did it after reciting a poem he made up to the members of his team.


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