Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Feeling like a teen again - Sentirsi di nuovo come una teenager

Going out on a date for three hours without a toddler asking for "coperta bianca" (that's how Tronk calls his secutity blanket) it's an achievement. Going out on a date for six hours without hearing "coperta bianca" is a treat, almost a privilege, for a stay at home mom without grandparents living nearby.

What happened to me last night was far more exciting. It is almost as exciting as the first time my father gave me permission to go out dancing without having to be back by midnight, the first cigarette I smoked on the balcony of my parents' apartment, or the first summer holiday I spent by the sea without my parents. The sort of thing that makes you shake with excitement. Although, in the case of last night, if I add all the costs together (babysitter + dinner out + concert tickets + parking + beers, etc), it didn't come cheap.

Last night John and I went to see Radiohead live. Man, what a night I was feeling like a teenager again!

On our arrival at Comcast Center, there were tons of people eating and drinking from the trunk of their cars in the adjacent parking lots.

Loads of beer, wine, cheers and weed

Basically, a village of happy people

And a huge outdoor stadium getting more and more crowded.

Then the first band arrived and the stadium filled up slowly.

Then, there was Radiohead on stage with the coolest multimedia effects I have ever seen in a concert in my life.

No, I didn't take this photo. The one I took came black but this is what I remember of that moment, although I was much further behind that the person who took this picture.

And this is the instant I enjoyed the most. Watch it, if you are not a Radiohead fan, you will become one.

There must have been twenty-five thousand people sharing the magic of that instant. I can't stop thinking about it. I was there, drinking pints of beers and listening to a band from Oxfordshire (to be precise, from a small rainy town - Abingdon - where many of my friends used to live and not far from one of the companies I worked for) !! Wait a minute, what were so many people doing in shorts and baseball caps? Of course, I had not suddenly moved back to England. It was England that had come to see me in America!

Strange what happens when you have kids. Soon after they started their encore, John and I left as fast as we could so that we would reach home in time to relieve the babysitter. We made our way out, while wondering what Tronk could have been up to in those six long hours we had been out partying. Hopefully, he was not upset. Hopefully, he went to bed without crying, etc, etc.

It turned out that Tronk went to pay visit to the babysitter's 24 year old niece and that he managed to use his charm to steal her birthday balloon! I can't describe the happiness I felt when I finally saw my boy lying on his bed with his arms stretched (meaning: I have had a great time mom!). I was so happy to be home.

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