Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year Wishes - Auguri di Buon Anno

The people who use their mind are rare, the people who use their heart are few, and the people who use both are uniqueRita Levi Montalcini (Torino, 22 aprile 1909 – Roma, 30 dicembre 2012) 

Dedico questo posting a tutte le persone che mi vogliono bene, con l'augurio di ascoltare sempre il cuore e la mente e di continuare a sperare in un futuro migliore, come ha fatto lei.

I dedicate this posting to all the people who love me, with the wish to always listen to the heart and to the mind and to continue to hope in a better future, just like she did.

Rita Levi Montalcini (Nobel Prize Recipient in Medicine in 1986) died yesterday, looking forward to what would come next, one day before New Year's Eve.

In my mind, she will remain as the woman who fought for her independence and won; the woman who made coherent choices in her life and who sticked to them with the power of her mind; the woman who would sleep no more than two or three hours a night because "I have no time to lose"; one of the few Italian Professors "che non ha mai montato in cattedra" (who has never preached from her Professor chair)probably the happiest woman of Italian origin who lived in the United States. And I will remember her as the woman who, unlike most of us, had the courage, the passion and the power of mind to choose to have a career BUT not a family.  

A Happy Inspiring 2013 to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Grazie degli auguri, sereno 2013 anche a voi molto carina la cartolina un grande grazie per tutta la tua dedizione a noi italiani a Boston sopratutto per l'impegnio verso i piu' piccoli che sono il nostro futuro di gioia , con la speranze di nuove belle avventure date e regalate ai memri e non del tuo bbc
