The Blog of an Italian mom who lived in London for 12 years, then in Boston for 9 years with her American husband and with her bilingual American boy. She finally gladly returned to her home town Turin.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Will having his bath - Will mentre fa il bagnetto
Will seems to like having his bath - he does not cry! - especially during the day, when the sun comes through the window of the kitchen.
A Will piace fare il bagno - non piange! - specialmente durante il giorno, quando i raggi del sole passano attraverso la finestra della cucina.
Tronk's tommy feels better - Il pancino di Tronk sta meglio
Tronk was crying a lot, day and night. He was upset sometimes even after feeding, burping, swaddling, bouncing, swinging, changing. We couldn't understand what was wrong. We knew there was something bugging him but what? His voice was horse and he was crying sadly during feeding. After talking to the pediatrician we found out the problem... he has heartburn in his stomach just like his mom during pregnancy. He was crying out of pain. His dad has built him a special upright support in his cradle to help his sleep upright and mommy has changed his breastfeeding positions to upright only. This has made Will much happier. Yesterday we gave him a medicine also to reduce his acidity and since then he has had more sleep and less tears down his eyes. We hope his tommy will not hurt anymore.
Tronk was crying a lot, day and night. Era in lacrime a volte anche dopo aver mangiato, ruttato, dopo essere stato avviluppato nella coperta, dopo essere stato cambiato, e dondolato. Non riuscivamo a capire cosa c'era che non andava. Sapevamo che c'era qualcosa che non andava ma cosa? La sua voce era rauca e perdeva il respiro. A volte piangeva durante l'allattamento. Dopo aver parlato al pediatro abbiamo capito la causa... Tronk ha acidita' di stomaco come la sua mamma durante la gravidanza. Piangeva dal male. Suo papa' gli ha costruito un supporto verticale nella culla per aiutarlo a dormire verticale e mamma ha iniziato ad allattarlo solo in posizione verticale. Questo ha confortato Will. Ieri gli abbiamo dato una medicina per ridurre la sua acidita' e da ieri Tronk ha dormito di piu' e ha pianto meno. Speriamo che il suo pancino non faccia piu' male.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sleep sweet Tronk - Ninna nanna dolce Tronk
William at the zoo - William allo zoo
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tronk's first phrases - Le prime frasi di Tronk
"LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA!". "Feed me! - Dammi da mangiare!"
"LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA!". "Change me! - Cambiami il pannolino!"
"LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA!". "I don't feel well - Non mi sento bene"
"LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA!". "Get me out of here - Portami via di qui"
"LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA!". "I'm tired - Sono stanco!
"LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA, LAAAA!". "Hold me - Prendimi in braccio"
Will's first words - Le prime parole di Will
Saturday, August 8, 2009
William's First Achievements - Le prime conquiste di William
I was not able to nurse William despite all my efforts without pain or discomfort. I tried different positions, with pillows in different places and support items like the best friend round doughnut. I saw several lactation consultants who told me how to get Will to nurse. Only William, unlike all of us, knew how to do it without guiding him! I just needed to hold him on my chest and trust him. Today he has figured it all out himself! So cool. Yesterday John saw Will's first smile while he was sleeping and today, while John was singing "sleep little Tronk", after he had refused all pacifiers of all dimensions that John bought hoping to help him sleep, Will suddenly put his thumb in his mouth and soothed himself without help. After few minutes he fell asleep in the swing. We are so proud of you William!
Non riuscivo ad allattare William, nonostante tutti i miei sforzi senza dolore o sconforto. Ho provato diverse posizioni, con cuscini in diverse posizioni e supporti come il cuscino ciambella. Sono andata da esperti di allattamento a farmi aiutare ad allattare William. Solo William, a differenza di tutti noi, sapeva come farlo senhza guidarlo! Dovevo solo prenderlo in braccio ed avere fiducia in lui. Oggi Will ha trovato e ha succhiato il latte da solo! Grande! Ieri John ha visto il primo sorriso di William mentre dormiva e oggi, mentre John cantava "dormi piccolo Tronk", lui, dopo aver rifiutato i ciuccetti di tutte le dimensioni che John ha acquistato nella speranza di farlo addormentare, Will tutto ad un tratto ha messo il suo pollice in bocca e si e' calmato da solo senza aiuto. E dopo pochi minuti, Will si e' addormentato sull'altalena. Siamo orgogliosi di te William!
William at home - William finalmente a casa
If you can't read Will's shirt, it says... "Made in America with Italian parts".
Se non riuscite a leggere la maglietta di Will, questa e' la scritta: "Fatto in America con Parti Italiane".
Photos of William's first two weeks - Foto di William prime due settimane
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