Tronk was crying a lot, day and night. He was upset sometimes even after feeding, burping, swaddling, bouncing, swinging, changing. We couldn't understand what was wrong. We knew there was something bugging him but what? His voice was horse and he was crying sadly during feeding. After talking to the pediatrician we found out the problem... he has heartburn in his stomach just like his mom during pregnancy. He was crying out of pain. His dad has built him a special upright support in his cradle to help his sleep upright and mommy has changed his breastfeeding positions to upright only. This has made Will much happier. Yesterday we gave him a medicine also to reduce his acidity and since then he has had more sleep and less tears down his eyes. We hope his tommy will not hurt anymore.
Tronk was crying a lot, day and night. Era in lacrime a volte anche dopo aver mangiato, ruttato, dopo essere stato avviluppato nella coperta, dopo essere stato cambiato, e dondolato. Non riuscivamo a capire cosa c'era che non andava. Sapevamo che c'era qualcosa che non andava ma cosa? La sua voce era rauca e perdeva il respiro. A volte piangeva durante l'allattamento. Dopo aver parlato al pediatro abbiamo capito la causa... Tronk ha acidita' di stomaco come la sua mamma durante la gravidanza. Piangeva dal male. Suo papa' gli ha costruito un supporto verticale nella culla per aiutarlo a dormire verticale e mamma ha iniziato ad allattarlo solo in posizione verticale. Questo ha confortato Will. Ieri gli abbiamo dato una medicina per ridurre la sua acidita' e da ieri Tronk ha dormito di piu' e ha pianto meno. Speriamo che il suo pancino non faccia piu' male.
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